Pay your rent

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Help with your rent

Paying your rent and any charges should be your top priority, and regardless of how you pay, you are responsible for ensuring that these are paid in full, and on time. Non-payment of rent, service charges or any other charge could lead to you losing your home.

Tenants are reminded that rent is payable weekly in advance, or monthly in advance.

Housing staff will provide advice and guidance for tenants who have difficulty in paying rent. Whilst ‘Recovery of Possession’ (Eviction) of property is a last resort, Kilburn Square Housing Co-operative needs to protect its income and will take action against tenants who fail to pay their rent.

However, we recognise that there are many reasons why a tenant may have rent arrears.

If you have rent arrears and we have written to you, you must contact the Co-op office.

We will arrange a mutual appointment for you to see the Housing Officer or the Manager in confidence.

We will help you to get advice and support so that you can pay your rent.

And arrange a repayment plan to reduce and clear the arrears.


Housing Benefit

If you are on a low income or unemployed you may be entitled to claim Housing Benefit Rebate.

We can help you to do this.

Download this information


Universal Credit

Universal Credit is the new benefit administered by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), for working age people on a low income or unemployed. Universal Credit is different from any benefits or tax credits you may currently receive, and you must be ready to manage your claim online.

Universal Credit replaces these six benefits:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Your postcode has been a Universal Credit full service area since 21 November 2018 and everyone is already asked to claim it if they make a new benefit claim.

If you already claim benefits and your circumstances don’t change then you won’t be asked to move over to Universal Credit until at least 2019.

Download this information


Please remember your home is at risk if you do not pay your rent

